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Free Lunch

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xyzzyplugh | 18:45 Fri 22nd Nov 2002 | Phrases & Sayings
6 Answers
They say there's 'no such thing as a free lunch' well what's Answerbank then?, and the whole damn internet? pretty well free i'd suggest. Not free enough? What about radio? everyone gets access to free radio. What about my dog? He gets a free lunch every day. Can anyone think of other sayings that aren't exactly true? What about 'It's a dog's life' (meant negatively). Well I think dogs have got it pretty easy, and cats, - all pets. 'cept for the few mistreated ones but overall...


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What about those terrible operations then???!!!
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We're not talking about cruelty to animals, that little codicil has feelings too.. the question was (Is) about free lunches and other vaguely untrue sayings. Let's not get off key and give each other Nightmares, ok blackfive.
This is a saying that doesn't make any sense rather than isn't true. You can't have your cake and eat it too! Why the hell would I want a cake if I can't eat it? Cakes are for eating - it's their goddamned raison d'etre! A more sensible and accurate saying would be - 'You can't have your cake and not eat it because that would be unreasonable'.
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Nice one boognish I used to say the SAME thing myself, for years. I now realise; the true configuration of that phrase is 'You can't eat your cake and still have it' which Does makes sense. [still stupid though] who had the duh! idiocy to twist it round the wrong way like that? Cuh! Churchill probably - gahh! have some bad press Winnie. You will not win Best Briton. Hey Boog, coming to answerbook [see news category] All your friends are there?
"Hard work never did anyone any harm". Blatantly untrue - hard work is probably the number one cause of both minor and serious injury, not to mention stress and any number of other disorders, some of them fatal.
"It's a small world" - I know I rant about this but it is not blinkin small it is absolutely MASSIVE! and there are billions of people out there who are total strangers to you. Just because you bumped into someone you know in an odd place does not mean it's a small world, it means you have experienced a coincidence so just leave it at that and stop belittling our planet. And what about "A change is as good as a rest". Is it? is it really? and if it is why doesn't my GP prescribe me a different career rather than a week off work?

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