I have a tropical fish tank with two clown loaches and a couple of small catfish and I did have 3 Long thinish fish black with white stripes and quite fast at swimming. (can't remember what they are. Anyway two of these black and white ones have vanished over the last couple of months. They haven't jumped out. Could they have been eaten by the other fish
Yes I know I should have more Boo. I did have three. One died. The two I have seem happy. I am trying to not replace any now. Perhaps I should find someone who would be interested in taking them on. It was my husbands hobby and he got fed up with it, so I look after them. One of the clown loaches have got quite big since I/he had it.
Must have been hiding as it has reappeared. It hovers around the casing which holds the heater etc. and it is black so sometimes it's difficult to see. All well that ends well as they say.