I have a terrible habit of playing with my hair incessantly to the point of having a pile of hair sat on the desk from pulling it all out!
I find that I do it most when either stressed, concentrating or just bored. I basically just sit running my fingers through the ends of the hair and can often end up with terrible split ends!
Does anybody have any advice to try and stop this?? I have considered hypnosis but want to try other things before going this far!
It certainly sounds like you're doing it to relieve stress/tension. How about one of those squidgy rubbery ball type things. Maybe trying to keep your fingers doing something else will help - you don't want to end up bald! btw - I've tried hypnotherepy and it can be quite effective. Good luck : )
I have used those stress balls before and though they seem to work very well, they don't last long!! I usually end up destroying them within the week!!!
Maybe I need to get a job lot of them..
Interestingly enough I have never been a smoker as I somtimes think that if i was that might give my fingers something to do. (Not that I would ever take it up)