I give Shaney Vitapet dog coat conditioner on his food every other day. It's got vitamins A, D, E and polyunsaturates which helps to maintain the general health and condition of the dog as well as helping to reduce excessive moulting .His coat is lovely and shiny and no sign of dandruff..
A lot depends on what you feed her. If you feed a complete food that is flaky then you will probably need to supplement it. If you feed one of the premium kibble foods then it probably has enough oil in it.
You could try shampooing and rinsing well, then adding a teaspoon of vegetable oil (or margerine) a few times a week (to the food, not to the shampooing!).
After moulting they tend to go a bit scurfy, so a good wash and brush up after a moult should help.
hi muchlove
my dog had flakey bits all through her coat so the vet told me to save on paying for expensive lotions and potions put 1 tablespoon og any oil i.e veg oil sunflower oil or olive oil inwith her complete food once a day i did this for about 2 weeks and now her coat is shiny &glossy .the oil also keeps her joints supple,but to answer your q.i dont know of any more cures,give the oil a try,after all it is free