Someone please help! I'm in the middle of writing my essay with Microsoft Word and everytime I press the space bar to put a space between a word or letter, it seems to delete the letter and not give me a space.
I haven't changed any of the settings as far as I know, and I was only using it lastnight and it was working fine!
What am I doing wrong?????????? :(
Hey it does work now!!!!! (Thank you Sammy Snake), I didn't even realise until I just started typing then tried the space bar again and it works as normal. Thanks again :)
Sammy Snake do u by any chance also know why when u type, the cursor sometimes jumps to the begiining of the sentence or else where. This has been a continuing problem for me and I've had to put up with it. I thought I'd ask as u might be an expert on all this!
For info the INSERT key is known as a "toggle". If you press it again it will start to overwrtite again and then press it again an it will again insert!
As for your second question - sounds like the home key is being pressed. It's over by the insert key usually.
If you're sure you're not pressing it, there maybe a fault with the keyboard.
On my word program the letters OVR at the bottom right of the display (next to CAP & NUM) toggle each time I press the Ins key. I guess this means "over-write"?
As for the cursor jumping, this happened a lot with a laptop I had (very aggravating). Evidently I was inadvertently touching the "mouse pad" (below the space bar). By right clicking on the mouse pad icon (next to the time) you can temporarily disable clicking with the pad. This solved the problem but while disabled you have to use the click button below the mouse pad.
If you are using a laptop then possibly you are tapping the touchpad with your palm or wrist, which will cause the cursor to jump to where the arrow is pointing