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heathfield | 20:08 Sat 07th Apr 2007 | Jokes
7 Answers
Q. How could you titillate an ocelot?
A. You could oscillate its tits a lot.


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i seem to remember kenny everet coming out with that on wogan or parky or something, but he said it properly. it sounds very clunky and frankly crap when you add the "s" to "tit" - do you understand the nature of this type of thing?
I'd have to tell that one sober.
perhaps Trillipse could come up with a joke then, seeing as hes soooo clever
i liked it heathfield!! tittttttilated me on easter sinday
Question Author
Terribly sorry about that, Trillipse, it's simply how I heard it. Glad to hear you're aware of the original version, and pleased to learn that it was Kenny Everett who said it.

Mind you, if you say 'its tit a lot', it sounds as though you think that ocelots have only one tit, which is silly, since they have several. I trust you're aware of the nature of those types of things?
Nice answer, heathfield !!
yawn. if someone were to scrape my leg (i wish) then am i implying i have only one leg? they could quite easily rub a Spider's leg. of which, presumably, (s)he has eight.

i don't like being the tiresome tosspot who pulls people up on pedantic matters, but this is the very *crucial* part of the gag. Otherwise, it makes for a much much much much poorer joke. if one at all. the point is in the simplicity of the word tit as opposed to the concept of tits, and in the ......oh, it ain't worth the effort. and denisdiamond, please. keep your fawning private.

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