Terrorists (again and again) in The AnswerBank: News
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Terrorists (again and again)

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admarlow | 13:54 Sun 01st Jul 2007 | News
22 Answers
How many more times does disarster have to be overted through sheer incompetence of terrorists or sheer competence of the British services before something decisive is done about the Muslim probelem in Great Britain....your faithful friend Adam Marlow, West London, (Currently Australia)...oh and to all those who start bleeting about knee jerk reaction, it ceases to be so after to 5 or 6 time.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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There are more deaths caused by motorists every week than caused by Muslim terrrorists. Do you not think we should tackle that problem?
yes corby but thats not the point...things are being done about motorist deaths, surely what adam is referring to is the cause of the terrorist problem not being resolved..whereas the cause of other deaths such as motorists is human error.usually.
its scary.really quite scary.
What are you saying CORBY that we should wait until deaths from terrorist out number deaths caused by motorists, before we start to tackle the terrorists problem?

Perhaps you would like to know that the biggest killer is old age. Any ideas on tackling this problem?
I'm trying to put things into perspective. To read some postings, every Muslim is a terrorist and some have even suggested they be made to register wi the authorities To me it has elements of Hitler's Germany and the attitude to Jewish folk..
I am adament that the majority of people do not regard "every muslim" as a terrorist..i certainly don't and although for some this is a natural reaction to the events, but we have to remember that 99.9% of Muslims are honest, law-abiding citizens like the rest of the world and it is wrong that they should be regarded in such a way.
"the biggest killer is old age" really? Perhaps you know more than doctors and the Office of National Statistics.
Do you ever think that people might just be frightened by this threat to our country though TCL ! The terrorists we are facing are Muslim so people are bound to be wary !
What would you do if a white Briitish Muslim were a bomber, would you then suspect everyone?
the only white british muslim i know of is cat stevens..
i see white Muslims all the time living in leicester but they are mainly women!
Wasn't the shoe bomber Richard Reed white???
ooh, Richard Reid was a white British Muslim..... stokeace :-)
unrylyjulie they are white women who have married a muslim and being converted to the faith.................
must be something wrong with me: I'm not scared at all and I don't intend making the slightest change to my life to counter the 'terrorist threat'. Is anyone out there seriously planning to do so? (Apart from going to the airport an hour earlier so they can have the pleasure of looking at your shoes.)
you are right br i forgot about him lol
It seems quite easy to outlaw smoking in public places,and I would guess more people are smokers than practice religion.
Therefore ban religion.
Deport everybody convicted of being religious back to the land it originated from.
Problem solved!
Its about time people realised its all nonsense.
However to be on the safe side kick them all out,now.
For information, in the 2001 England & Wales Census, four per cent of Muslims were White British and a further seven per cent were other White background.

That means there were almost 179,000 White Muslims in England & Wales in 2001.
Nothing wrong with you jno - I'm not scared either. Poss a bit wary and take surroundings in more. Worked in London during IRA blasts etc., so did hubby and we would not be put off going to London. Planning to go in soon. What does scare me is my son is in Met Police as a Community Support Oficer. He does not plod the beat but is part of response team to handle traffic and crowds during 'incidents'. He came home early hours Sat morning after being on duty in bomb car area. Actually look for him on news progs now. He's not scared either which is just as well or who would do some of these jobs.
excellent idea, deport all those Anglicans back to... errr... well anyway, at least we can ban their ritual November 5 public burnings of Catholics.
stop calling these guys terrorists they are just some poor sad crazies that need to be pitied rather than feared - i just can't seem to feel very endangered by the terrorist threat in the UK especially when the attackers are this inept...

and i still think that if there is a problem here it is surely with the attackers rather than with muslims in general - how can this be wrong?
Actually jno think you'll find Christianity wasn't invented by the British.
All religious people out now!

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