i once found a bra that had hooked onto the inside of a jumper that him in doors had kindly hung up in the wardrobe for me. i was only looking for it for about a month (couldt wear that jumper without that bra so didn't pick out the jumper coz i couldn't find the bra), so check inside whatever you last wore it with.
Sorry I only have one of your cream bras, one of your white bras, one of your purple bras, two of your red bras and your lacey pink bra. Whoever has your black bra, can I swap it for a red bra so I have the set?
It's true I have lost it (and it's a good 'un) but I was just expecting jokey remarks. And yet Woofgang and Treaclefight in particular have given me hope I may still yet find it. Jasonhanger -34D, strapless. Greedyfly and Saffstar- do you think a whole load of odd socks have formed a gang and are going around recruiting underwear?