Society & Culture28 mins ago
Prince William & Harry live it up
57 Answers /news/news.html?in_article_id=476126&in_page_i d=1770
Prince William and his girlfriend enjoying a romantic holiday in the Seychelles.
Prince Harry and his girlfriend have just spent three weeks in Botswana at the exclusive Meno a Kwena resort, plus organising pop concerts etc. it must be all go for these two.
Excuse me but aren't these two high flyers supposed to be in the British Army?
It must leave every person who has a family member serving in the hell holes of Iraq & Afghanistan absolutly fuming. I know it does me because I have two gransons currently serving out in Afghanistan who have also served in Iraq and Bosnia. No time for holidays for them because of the quick turn around of these operations. Plus the fact that most of their time out there they are on duty 24/7. All due to the lack of troops.
They will shortly be returning to Britain for a rest & recuperation break of a few days, but what with the travelling time taken off these days, they will not have many left to rest and relax before they are once again back in action.
It is these real soldiers that should be relaxing, with their Wives, Girlfriends and Children, in some exotic resort, all paid for by the M.O.D.
Prince William and his girlfriend enjoying a romantic holiday in the Seychelles.
Prince Harry and his girlfriend have just spent three weeks in Botswana at the exclusive Meno a Kwena resort, plus organising pop concerts etc. it must be all go for these two.
Excuse me but aren't these two high flyers supposed to be in the British Army?
It must leave every person who has a family member serving in the hell holes of Iraq & Afghanistan absolutly fuming. I know it does me because I have two gransons currently serving out in Afghanistan who have also served in Iraq and Bosnia. No time for holidays for them because of the quick turn around of these operations. Plus the fact that most of their time out there they are on duty 24/7. All due to the lack of troops.
They will shortly be returning to Britain for a rest & recuperation break of a few days, but what with the travelling time taken off these days, they will not have many left to rest and relax before they are once again back in action.
It is these real soldiers that should be relaxing, with their Wives, Girlfriends and Children, in some exotic resort, all paid for by the M.O.D.
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.sorry your grandchildren aren't getting enough leave, oldgit; but perhaps they should get another job? There's no conscription, and they are free to shop around and find themselves a position that suits them, same as anyone. If they don't like it, they can leave. If it's just you who doesn't like it, then I guess you'd better just acknowledge that they've chosen the career they want, and stop fretting about other people having fun.
Yep, we're in agreement aog it makes my blood boil to see those two idiots living it up when the rest of the Army in such dire need of R+R.
also, as ABers like kathyan can testify, her husband and I earned our medals the hard way just as your grandsons are doing, it makes me sick to to teeth to see people like them and their uncle edward (who got booted out of the Royal Marines for being a wimp) and dad turning up all over the world wearing uniform AND medals, wtf did they do to earn them?
also, as ABers like kathyan can testify, her husband and I earned our medals the hard way just as your grandsons are doing, it makes me sick to to teeth to see people like them and their uncle edward (who got booted out of the Royal Marines for being a wimp) and dad turning up all over the world wearing uniform AND medals, wtf did they do to earn them?
jno, they do have a job that many would not do. It really annoys me when people say 'they knew what they were signing up for'. Yes they do know and if it wasn't for the likes of these people, where would we be? They are sent to the most dangerous places for no reason at all (other than a poodle wanting to follow it's master) and told to 'get on with it' without the proper equipment to do the job. Their family life is disrupted because there is a shortage of manpower and they have to do more tours than normal. When there's a crisis at home, foot and mouth and binmen and firemen on strike, who they they call on? Stop pulling these people apart and give them the respect they deserve.
not knocking them, Kathyan - if they want the job, it's theirs. But if they want holidays in the Sechelles, they're in the wrong job. If enough people refuse to join the army because they don't like the conditions, the government will have to improve the conditions to attract recruits. If soldiers just stay in their jobs and grumble, nothing will change.
A typical answer from the likes of jno, who obviously is in the minority.
It is the likes of jno who obviously would not venture away from their miserable selfish lives to help their fellow man, who always expect that there are some around them who (admittely through choice) are there to take up various careers ie. Military, Police, Firefighters, Paramedics, Nurses & Doctors, and who would always be there to lay down their live in the service of their fellow man. (yes even to such individuals with an attitude such as jno's).
I have always agreed that National Service should be re-introduced, to instill some discipline into the low life of this country. But on second thoughts who would want to depend on such as jno, if your unit found themselves in a dangerous situation.
It is the likes of jno who obviously would not venture away from their miserable selfish lives to help their fellow man, who always expect that there are some around them who (admittely through choice) are there to take up various careers ie. Military, Police, Firefighters, Paramedics, Nurses & Doctors, and who would always be there to lay down their live in the service of their fellow man. (yes even to such individuals with an attitude such as jno's).
I have always agreed that National Service should be re-introduced, to instill some discipline into the low life of this country. But on second thoughts who would want to depend on such as jno, if your unit found themselves in a dangerous situation.
I don't expect people to lay down their lives for me, oldgit. An army may be a useful thing to have if someone's attacking us; but nobody is and nobody is likely to. Instead, we're attacking them. Nobody needs to die in Iraq under the impression that he's making my life safer; he isn't, and he's making those of Iraqis worse. The only person he's helping is George Bush and his clients.
So anyway, what's your beef? That William and Harry lie in the sun or that your grandchildren don't?
So anyway, what's your beef? That William and Harry lie in the sun or that your grandchildren don't?
So an Arny is useful if someone is attacking us is it jno?
And since no one is or is likely to, we do not need an Army eh?
But in the slightest chance in the future we are attacked, what do you suggest, we have a quick run around the streets press ganging such as you to get an Army together at a minutes notice? Damn knows where we would get the weapons from.
You have either spent far to long in the sun, or you are a complete idiot, therefore I will no longer waste my time answering any more of your idiotic and childish postings.
In the meantime I suggest you go away and play with your Action Man until you are mature enough to join in the debates with the rest of the adults on this site.
And since no one is or is likely to, we do not need an Army eh?
But in the slightest chance in the future we are attacked, what do you suggest, we have a quick run around the streets press ganging such as you to get an Army together at a minutes notice? Damn knows where we would get the weapons from.
You have either spent far to long in the sun, or you are a complete idiot, therefore I will no longer waste my time answering any more of your idiotic and childish postings.
In the meantime I suggest you go away and play with your Action Man until you are mature enough to join in the debates with the rest of the adults on this site.
you're confusing debate with personal abuse - and since you know absolutely nothing about my age, job, military history or even gender, you are sadly ill-equipped for this task. Ignorance is a poor basis for 'debate', but it perhaps explains why you go to such lengths to avoid answering my question.
as part of the minority who does not applaud those who join the forces, there are other reasons for not feeling desperately sorry for those serving in the forces, other than just selfishness. Unless you have a personal knowledge of jno, how can you comment on his selfishness/selflessness's? Even then, what has that got to do with your original question, where have you put that (only respond to this if you think the armed forces are a good thing and that everyone who has ever joined up has done so one the grounds of altruism rather than personal career choice).
If you support pacifism, it is difficult to support the idea of a standing armed force.
as part of the minority who does not applaud those who join the forces, there are other reasons for not feeling desperately sorry for those serving in the forces, other than just selfishness. Unless you have a personal knowledge of jno, how can you comment on his selfishness/selflessness's? Even then, what has that got to do with your original question, where have you put that (only respond to this if you think the armed forces are a good thing and that everyone who has ever joined up has done so one the grounds of altruism rather than personal career choice).
If you support pacifism, it is difficult to support the idea of a standing armed force.
Dear oh dear ruby27 after carefully reading your answer to try and make sence of it, I think I have got the general gist of it, although I'm still not sure about your English ie. sellfishness/selflessness's?
So you are a pacifist are you ruby, there are a number of other words one could use, perhaps during a state of war one would say coward.
I feel very sorry for all those young lives that lie buried in all the military cemetries throughout Europe, the Middle East and Far East. These are the young men (very many volunteers) who gave up their lives so that the likes of you and jno are able to live your lives in peace.
If you had been around during the 2nd world war and you had not been old enough to take part in it, you would have most likely been cowing in a shelter, hoping that some young airman would risk his own life and shoot the enemy out of the sky before he could rain death and distruction down on you.
Or you might have been grateful to all those brave sailors who risked their lives to get food to these shores, so that you would not starve to death.
Or perhaps you would be grateful to all the land forces laying down their lives, to keep an evil regime from invading this country. and then these same brave troops of ours to further risk their lives so as to gain the final victory.
My initial thought was you and your kind make me sick, but then taking into account your obvious young age and the fact that you have never experienced danger such as this, I just feel sorry for you, and only hope that we never, never have to depend on the likes of you or jno to fight to defend this great country of ours.
So you are a pacifist are you ruby, there are a number of other words one could use, perhaps during a state of war one would say coward.
I feel very sorry for all those young lives that lie buried in all the military cemetries throughout Europe, the Middle East and Far East. These are the young men (very many volunteers) who gave up their lives so that the likes of you and jno are able to live your lives in peace.
If you had been around during the 2nd world war and you had not been old enough to take part in it, you would have most likely been cowing in a shelter, hoping that some young airman would risk his own life and shoot the enemy out of the sky before he could rain death and distruction down on you.
Or you might have been grateful to all those brave sailors who risked their lives to get food to these shores, so that you would not starve to death.
Or perhaps you would be grateful to all the land forces laying down their lives, to keep an evil regime from invading this country. and then these same brave troops of ours to further risk their lives so as to gain the final victory.
My initial thought was you and your kind make me sick, but then taking into account your obvious young age and the fact that you have never experienced danger such as this, I just feel sorry for you, and only hope that we never, never have to depend on the likes of you or jno to fight to defend this great country of ours.
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altruism: the quality of unselfish concern for the welfare of others
devotion to or concern with one�s own advantage or welfare to the exclusion of regard for others
I accept my use of the English language may not be wholly accurate, but I do object to you suggesting I would be cowing in a shelter, cowering yes, but imitating a cow never.
If this country was ever needing to be defended, and conscription came into effect, I hope I would have the courage of my convictions and be imprisoned rather than take up arms. Given my age and my myopia this isn't just altruism as I would be no good for anything but cannon fodder.
ps what is it with you and flip flop, the self appointed moral guardian of AB that you put disagreement down to youth or do you have to be 60 plus to be considered old enough to have an opinion.
altruism: the quality of unselfish concern for the welfare of others
devotion to or concern with one�s own advantage or welfare to the exclusion of regard for others
I accept my use of the English language may not be wholly accurate, but I do object to you suggesting I would be cowing in a shelter, cowering yes, but imitating a cow never.
If this country was ever needing to be defended, and conscription came into effect, I hope I would have the courage of my convictions and be imprisoned rather than take up arms. Given my age and my myopia this isn't just altruism as I would be no good for anything but cannon fodder.
ps what is it with you and flip flop, the self appointed moral guardian of AB that you put disagreement down to youth or do you have to be 60 plus to be considered old enough to have an opinion.