my new partner has just moved in with me and he has 2 ex wifes and 3 kids from the first wife who he pays for. he is still waiting for the divorse to finalise with the 2nd wife, he has moved into my house which is morgaged and im worried they have rights and ive worked hard for what ive got and donrt want it taken.can you help please
If the house is in your sole name and he has not been contributing to the mortgage or making other payments on the house (such as buying an extension, or installing a new fitted kitchen or bathroom) then he does not have any interest in the house so his wife cannot claim anything from it.
Make sure that you do not open any joint accounts & that he does not contribute to any of the above until after his divorce is settled.
Any money he pays for the children stops when they reach 16 unless they stay on in full time education.
If the house is on your name only, then I see no reaosn why his ex wives would have any claim on it. This is the 21st centuary not the 18th - women can go out to work now ergo so can his ex wives if they want their bills paid
If he is paying you rent and something towards the bills, that doesn't mean that he has a claim on your house. If the house is in your name only, his ex has no claim on it.