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Chatterbanki has gone to the dogs.

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puss_boots | 21:36 Sun 10th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
85 Answers
It seems that there are certain people on Chatterbank who relish the night shift because they can have a good old arguement. The people in question just wind one another up just for the hell of it, well it is now just boring, its the same old thing night after night. I don't come here as often as I used to because of the constant bickering, well my question many agree with me....or if you don't....well I give up.


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I agree 110%
I hate all the arguments and slanderous comments
well i donlt knwo what suddenly changed, is it possible there is some MSN stuff going on that builds up to it? It just changed it's mood so very quickly
its been like that for months tho Dot
I agree, and have stopped posting altogether, I now watch tv* instead. Load of juvenile gibbons on here.

*HDMI, it is brilliant beyond description ! No time to post on here.

Dot what happened the other day, was your name hijacked? I was worried bout that
no I don;t think so weeal, do you mean my long sarcastic post about how i feel ,many people on here see me?? That was me, had a bit of a hissy fit!
I agree puss. I try to stay in Q + P now, but there's been some mischief makers in there recently.
Oh just shut up Puss : )
Dot I wouldve sworn you hadnt written that
This place is weird.
lol dot, I thought that post was quite inspired, and it had us all scratching our noodles!! (well me anyway!)
No it isn't
Puss - you're quite right. I find myself hardly posting now. Chatterbank has lost its appeal for me.
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clever trev why should I shut up I was just asking a Q about why is the night shift always at loggerheads with each other. You obviously like all the arguements otherwise you wouldn't have told me to shut up.
aww puss trev put a smiley i think he was being ironic lol
Love em you crapp head.
Well there you bloody go -all the moans and laments about trolls etc and Dot posted about herself which in itself caused a stir -I even stuck up for her -well cheers that was the p!ss ripped right out of me !!! To think my wee pal went to the bother of trying to determine how they managed to imposter her -well -that was the p!ss ripped out her as well.

The people -like the ones who genuinely post as themselves ALL the time are fine -its the bloody half wit ********* who are causing the bother.

Take a swipe at them -like knobby has been trying to do -dont label everyone who comes on late a\t night with the same brush.

The 'trolls' come on as aliases -they know enough about people as they are here daily-then they change at night and hit below the belt -those are the ones that should be targetted -the rest of us have a good time.

I WONT be tarred as a troublemaker just because I am occasionally a night owl and neither should the rest of the day and night posters.(I know you didnt name names puss x)
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ok sorry trev didn't see the smiley.
Just an addendum -we all know when someone is on a wind-up -Dot excepted -we should all just ignore them -they bill soon get bored -look foolish and go to another site

Not rocket science is it?
I was so worried bout the Dot thread I tried to PM you Dot, I take it you got the message requests? and I PM'd Ray to ask if you were ok etc. cos he was already on your friend list. I just dont get it.
I am obviously too soft
or too stupit

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