right people the real description for the word chav-Fact
ok after having about a infuriating row with my girlfriend about the word chav, look it all came about as in the word chavie meaning child and chav meaning male person, Or town dweller, see wikapedia. it originate from the area of the medway towns in the uk, how this all happened, we used to call wana be travelers not "pikeys "chavs, as they had all the gold and tried to speak romaine language and they used to say alright chavey boy or alright chav, not knowing what the word ment , or any meaning to the words they used such as nixies nixies meaning nothing, I am so angry that the upper classes have tagged this word with no meaning what it actually means, I am not a chav i am a world class dj, currently on tour around the globe, i where Reebok classics and a cap some times, that's not a chav, oh ye and i also come from essex as well, so you upper class people with no hind sight in to the word or meaning don't use it, or at least get it right when you do, a very angry MR Kidd