Hi. My son is driving me mad for Dinosaur King game Cards. Apparently they can be won from seaside Arcade Games. Apart from on ebay, can anyone give me guidance on where I might be able to get these in the UK? Many thanks for any assistance you can provide. Lisa
If this helps, the machine is made by SEGA, and the cards are not won, they are part of the game play, you could try to email the company, and ask if they could send you some promo stuff for this machine, they are quite good at replying and are very helpful. http://www.sega-amusements.com/ and find the "contact us" linky.
I buy lots of mine from ebay (as you mentioned) but i also found a site called www.dkcards.co.uk which has quite a few you can buy. My son keeps on at me to buy him more! Hope that helps.