Oi -thought you were at the pub -see pix -his pen doesnt work !!
Have mine -you know you can trust me -heres mine -you know the mischief you can get up to -catch -take mine while im on 'holiday' -be careful with it tho -dont do anything i wouldnt do *flutters eyelashes xx
Hi beads, The ed takes no notice of email, I mailed him to tell him about the clone of me and thats still here and Im not lol I made a new account with pixi in the name but that was monday I think and Im still waiting for the activation email. I emailed the technical bit a couple of days ago asking about the email and they havent emailed be back.
I think they may be trying to tell me something sniff sniff lol
I don't know how to do the wing ding things knobby :(
Can I borrow the pen after you I still can't get pussnboots back and I miss my...n....very much. I have tried everything and the tech team and the ed just ignore me.
I have emailed the ed repeatedly and i am still zapped!!! I even tried emailing the ed's ab account, but she didn't reply to that, sod it, i donl;t care anymore, the aber who is the ed is D'jerba, and she should reply more!
ohhhhh thanks drissy witty woo a big fat permanent marker to scrawk all over the walls of CB and I know exactly what Im gonna write too heee heee heeee
hi pussnboots, aww of course you can have a go on it. Its rubbish having a different name, specially one like dumber lol
aww bensmum what you like? We could have been our original selves there lol
Its crap eh dotty? well maybe she will reply when she sees what I wrote about her all over the walls :D :D :D
erm do you spell bufoon with one f and two o's or two f's and two o's?
gaun yersel hen -no-one can see this apart from honorory Scots- and your ain o us -mak yer mark -be as filthy as ye want-o and mind my ponties perlease ta xxx
OOO Pix -what can you meantya wee minx ya -tut !!!