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Pee'd Off

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Hellyon | 16:46 Mon 19th May 2008 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
The playground girls were all moaning they never go out anywhere and they've got no money - I asked them if they fancied a girls night out at the local Thai Restaurant, special 1 night event tickets �10, they all said yes definitely, I bought 5 tickets and now bar one they've all texted me today (the day of the event mind) and said they can't go becuase they are 'going to a cricket match' 'got too much work on' and 'can't get a baby sitter'. I'm really pee'd off, not only that, only one of them - the one that's going - has paid for the ticket as they all said they'd pay me back on the day grrrrr!


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Oh dear, never pay for any playground mothers :-)
I'll come!!
I think thats awful of them to let u buy the tickets then turn you down, can you get refunds??
Ya know hellyon, if there's one thing that pees me off its people who do this to you, make false promises! grrr, im cross for you , wish i could come, im always up for a girls night out!
See - thats me and Julie - 2 more nutters for tonight!!
God helli, that is so annoying, they should still pay for it, no excuse not to, why do people do this sort of thing, always leave somebody out of pocket, hope they do pay up helli. xx
oooh sally, who you calling a nutter????? Ive never been saner in my life, well, thats what this voice in my head keeps telling me anyway

That's always a nightmare. I was organising our Race for Life which was �12.50 each and I refused to stump up for all ten of us - good job too as 4 pulled out! I made them pay me the money before booking anything.
The lesson to be learnt here is don't buy anything until you've got the money from others.
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Frankly Jules I think a night out with the AB girls and boys would be a lot more fun.
I should learn my lesson - I work and none of them do, they all moan in the holidays they are bored so I organise things to do and they all come along, if I leave it to them to arrange something it never happens - I only do it because I think the kids like the company but this is the final straw, NEVER AGAIN!
Sorry you have been let down about your
other friends or family maybe they will
pay for a ticket ..
I know from earlier posts Julie that you (like me) fall into the lovable nutter category!! x
That's really awful of them. Consider this a valuable lesson learned. Would you get a refund on the tickets? If not I'd demand they each pay their fair share. Last minute notice unless it's a dire emergency is unacceptable.
I hear stories from my mate about the playground mothers and I wouldnt mess with them.
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Hi Hellyon, If you can't sell them on -
I would be tempted to print a letter up with all four names on to say -
As you can see, I am out of pocket to the tune of 40.00 .Tickets were bought in good faith, please can you pay for your ticket as requested!
Hmmmm sally,. loveable nutter eh??? I can cope with that! lol

hope you can find someone to go with you helly!
if you can't get the money from them helli, as figure says maybe they will do you a refund, smile sweetly, you can do it, or failing that ask if you can carry them over to another time, then take mr helli and some friends with you, good luck helli xx
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Your mate's quite right Forget - the mother mafia can be a right pain but you have to play the game for your child sake!
I'll be quite glad when he goes to senior school and I never have to stand in a playground again......
Just out of decency you'd think they would pay anyway, wouldn't you, if they know you have already laid the cash out?


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