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johnny rotten

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Nice-Legend | 10:41 Tue 17th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
Youre so obsessed that youre becoming a bore.
You say youre on facebook.
Well please do us all a favour here and scoot back over there.
You really are terribly dull.
Though im sure youll achieve your second stiffy of the day just from reading this.
Ah to be a child again eh ?

" Nice to see you all today.Yes even you ! "


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reported as being abusive
No don't report it, a lecture on boredom from the world's leading proponent !!!
Good morning Everyone. How are we all on this sunny day?
Question Author
Certainly not abusive atall 4get have you reported jiohnnys posts to me this morning?

Well there you go.

" Nice to see you all today.Yes even you ! "
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Lmfao 2gs nice to see you to see you niceeeeeeeeee

welcome to the party lol

" Nice to see you all today.Yes even you ! "
Have you thought about Immunoglobulins ?
Its just silly whiffey, he�s calling him child yet putting a post up like this. Whats the point in all this arguing, he did this and you�re that, and I�ll pull your hair if you don�t share blah blah blah. All pathetic
You cant report individual replies and seen as I have only seen this post to report I have done. Do we need this everyday?
Question Author
Sorry pot kettle yesterday id say 1 post from me about johnny compared to the offf your trolly antixcs yesterday of some users means youre not being nice atall.
Far from it.

And i doubt anything in my post is either wrong or abusive.
But no matter.
Hopefully he will pop over to that other place and give me and others peace today .

" Nice to see you all today.Yes even you ! "
at last a post about me,youve taken my advice leg end. a post worthy of being on here. btw im not on fb. get your facts right

oh 4getmenot,one minute you cuss the man,the next you defend him. your not under his sick spell are you? you really are a boring banal person arent you. report me if you want,couldnt care less yada yada yada
-- answer removed --
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Well if johnny does this everyday , and he does , then i imagine the answer will be yes.
You really are overreacting about this but hey continue.

As i say im hoping he pops over there and qwe get peace.

" Nice to see you all today.Yes even you ! "
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Well i know youre not there as johnny rotten of course.Youd use your real username there .Tsk tsk you think everyones falling for your nonsense.

4get seems youve riled hiom.Best leave him alone he might turn nasty .Or nastier.
He certainly wont turn nice lol.

" Nice to see you all today.Yes even you ! "
simple answer, report both if you want.

how come you have another name legend. With all the messing thats going on at moment how do we know its even you?
good morning Nice-Legend

nice day, nice to hear from you

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Good point red, proof required, post a piccie.
Question Author
Red i got it last night.Its common knowledge.Check with 4gs as hes been keeping tabs.

Its like changing your shoes.Nothing wrong with that now is there?

" Nice to see you all today.Yes even you ! "
erm hang on I havent reported you and actually said I reported this post, get it right Johnny and read it. Its nothing to do with taking sides its about getting all this rubiish arguing off of here. Whether it be you, legend, red or 4GS if its nasty it should be reported. You both need to stop.
If he does it everyday legend ignore it stop putting up more posts.
so long as they are nice shoes

nice today init

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