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darlingnc | 17:04 Thu 19th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
my OH found a clip of porn on the internet on his phone (i dont mind him looking by the way) he was being a bit funny with me for a couple of days then he finally come out with what was bothering him, he said he thinks it is me in the bloody clip!!!! i told him how stupid he is being, he even made me watch it and to be honest it does look similar but i can tell that its not me (obviously) but he is adament it is me! this has been going on now for a couple of weeks, some days he is ok with me then he goes funny. I am starting to get really peed of about this and dont know what else to say to him to reassure him that its not me!!!
what do you think?


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Well, I don't think I've ever heard anything like it!

I suppose you could maybe transfer it to the computer and enlarge the face, so he'd see it's not you?
I'm rather lost for words too, I'm not sure Id be flattered or insulted LOL

Max's suggestion is good, or you could find out the name of the site it was downloaded from and see if you can get a name for the lady in question?
Aw let him stew -you can only try to reassure someone for so long -I would just give up and let him get on with it.
The more you protest your innocence the more he'll keep it going.
Is there any way of establishing which country the clip comes from ?

Failing that.............insist it IS you and demand that he performs as well as the gentleman (presumably) accompanying your doppelganger ! :o)
lets have a look & i will tell you if its you or not?
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tell me about it max, im pulling my hair out here !!

the clip is only about 10 secs long if that and only shows the side of the girls face.
we've just had a massive row about this. Bloody men do my head in.
Assuming you can actually see the
I agree with Dris, there is only so much you can say to convince him its not you.

If he loves and trust you, then he shouldnt question you or what you say. End of.
Do you have any moles or birth marks on you that you could point out is not on the girl or vice versa?

does she maybe have tatoos, or other characteristics (ahem....piercings?)?
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i dont know if i can be bothered to look in to what site he got it from and all that. I really dont know how to handle this, should i laugh or cry? lol
Snap Lakitu. Well, almost....
tell him to get over it. He obviously doesnt trust you. That in itself would p1ss me off more!
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i have a tattoo on my right ankle but you cant see her right ankle, no other distinctive marks on her, like me.
Great minds :)

I just don't know, darlingnc, I suppose you could just shrug and leave him to stew and eventually draw his own conclusion you're not lying to him?
If he wont trust your word - then stuff him !
Maybe he's just looking for an excuse to argue.
I would just bloody laugh in his face and say 'whatever' -o that would be so annoying wouldnt it.
Dont even attempt to justify yourself -you know its not you so tell him to bloody get the tea on or reieve his tensions watching the bleeding clip lol
Tell him you saw him in an episode of Allo Allo....
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Lakitu, i think thats what im gonna do. Too much of a headache for something so petty.

Thanks Guys! its good to get it of my chest, i havent the face to tell any one else about this,
most men have looked at porn, but why would he keep something like that on his phone? ;-)

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