Hello everyone. Can anyone please tell me whether the herpes simplex eye condition can be triggered by strong sunlight (the cold-sore variety definitely can!). I have had 2 bouts of this nasty eye problem this year and apparently it may keep returning despite the intensive treatments prescribed by the eye clinic. As it is such a painful thing to suffer from, I obviously want to try and find out what may be causing it! The reason I am asking is that this latest eruption seemed to follow a day when I sat outside reading on a very sunny day earlier this week. I would be grateful to hear from anyone who may know the answer to this. Many thanks, Maz x
Methinks there is a little confusion here as mazzywoo asks"can herpes simplex virus be triggered by strong sunlight?" In other words can strong sunlight CAUSE the eye form of herpes simplex, and I think that the answer to that is that there is no evidence that it does.
Photophobia, the intolerance to strong light ,certainly is a side effect of established herpes infection, which is quite a different question