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I tend to get very stressed and panicky when I have to go out without him, let alone going away without him. I have no problem with him going away and me staying at home, which he does occasionally. He goes out a lot (at least 3 times a week) without me. Just so long as I home I don't mind.
I get very scared going out with anyone, and will have panic attacks and tantrums and cry and scream if I'm made to go out without him. I really can't cope, it's terrifying!
My parents will tell him outright what they think of him, which I hate, and I tend to tell them to go away unless they have something nice to say. I'm very protective of him, especially when it comes to my family, and certain friends.
The holiday was a sudden idea, since they were planning to go, and were booking flights for my nan to go out and thought it would be good for all of us to go. They haven't booked the flights or anything yet, since he said he didn't want to go.
I've spent forever trying to sort myself out, go out and be happy, but it isn't possible, not at the moment anyway. I have become seriously depressed, and won't leave the house for weeks at a time.
I can't get any help, for at least a month, due to the wonderful backlog of the NHS, and my family can't afford to paid for someone.
I think I could burden him a lot more too be honest, I could stop him from going out, and even when he is home, he's normally playing video games while I'm cleaning or reading or on here etc.