If one of these modern day experiments went wrong, and you found that you were the last remaining male/female left on earth, then after a while you realised there was just one remaining person of the opposite sex, would you feel it right to go ahead and mate solely for the purpose of keeping our species going, or do you think it would be best left alone, considering all the illnesses, and warfare going on on this planet, Or would you think earth would be better off without humans, and just let it pass.
best left alone...
I know that's how Adam & Eve started (if you are so inclined to believe - that's a different debate) - but how lonely would that offspring be once you & (s)he popped their clogs?
if i was the last female on the planet with my luck the last man would be gay!
Then again that might be an advantage if he looks like a hobo and smells like a jockstrap
Honestly though I think I would approach the subject with 'Adam' to see what he thought, I would want to carry on the species but would worry about the genetic problems of the small gene pool involved and everyone being inbred.
The bible depicts 'Adam and Eve' but scientifically can such a small gene pool orginating from two people be safe.
tiggs according to bible studies, incest was ok, untill man commited sin, then his offsprings paid the price for that sin, with bad genetic offspring,
Don't forget that one of the first sins was commited by cane when he killed his brother,
He then went to the land of Nod, wich is now Alexandria, Where he KNEW his wife, and so on.