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Turkish Baths

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DONNA1458 | 17:37 Tue 23rd Sep 2008 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
There is a turkish bath in harrogate i am interested in going but looked at the website still none the wiser what to expect. has anyone been. TIA


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I had one in Turkey in August and it was fab. You lie on a heated stone tiled bed thing and have all your dead skin scrubbed off, then you get rinsed and then covered in lovely bubbles.

It was sooooo lovely!
Most public swimming pools throughout my childhood had a 'Turkish bath' facility. It was really a kind of sauna (steam room) except that you sat in a little cabinet with your head sticking out (see The Prisoner episode 'The Girl Who Was Death'). I never actually had one, and I don't know if it's still like that. I've had a sauna, though. It's a steam-filled room where you sit on a bench alongside other people. You sweat like mad, then go and shower afterwards.
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Hi, I went to the Harrogate baths as a treat when I was at a conference recently. They are fairly small, you will have a quick guided tour and explanation on your first visit. There is a lounge area, steam room, various levels of hot room (3 degrees of heat) and a cold plunge bath, and showers. You basically go from each area to the next hottest level and use the showers and cold plunge inbetween. ( I never cold plunge!). Use the steam room whenever you fancy. They also offer treatments but you need to book these in advance, Thursdays are all female days. You need to wear your costume and bring a towel and a bottle of water.


PS. Bettys is worth a visit, but very expensive!

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