nothing will change, this totally
corrupt government will eventually destroy us all, they have no moral commitment to the future just an utterly selfish commitment to its own survival, Brown would absolutely prefer to totally destroy britain and its culture and all
that we stand for to preserve and to save his deceitful skin as the most incompetent prime minister ever non elected to office, a pretender to the throne, never entitled to sit on a chair in the gallery of gentlemen and peers, a sad innefective loser who will put black water in any spring of hope for our future, a man, a nonentity who will never have the common decency to resign from an unelected post, justice, a simple disgrace to humanity, a curse to decent working people all over our country. we all work for what little we hope to get from the state in our retirement, this despicable incompetant fool who sold our gold reserves to a car boot sale shoulld be made to pay out of his owwn bulging pockets, justice for the common people? only if spontaeous combustion is the retribution for us all