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African American.

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Lucy-Thomas | 23:04 Wed 22nd Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
How long will it be before black Americans stop using the rediculous term 'African Americans'? You're either African or American. If you were born in the US, you cannot be both.

How stupid would it be if people in Britain referred to themselves as Scandinavian Britons, French Britons or German Britons because that is where most of us could trace our ancestry back to.


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does french canadian have the same effect on you ?
Anglo saxons ?

I think youre being really obtuse

Americans were originally born alllover the world but not in america

the only ones born there were the indians or native americans.

D T H ?�?

Erm Lucy ....ridiculous *
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Eddie Murphy (as a random example) has been described as an African American. He was born in Brooklyn. How does that make him African? My great-grandparents were Scottish and I was born in Wales. I do not remotely think of myself as Scottish but Welsh.
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Yes, what a rediculous mistake to make.
Ive a�ready proven my point

no reason to labour in your mistake

lets not loiter folks the discuccion is over in my favour

glad that helped

nyte x
Aren't the only American Americans the "Native Americans"?

All the others are Irish American, African American, etc.
Lol Lucy :-D
it was a politically correct term they invented in the 1970s when they also decided that a token black performer should be cast in every TV show, hence mark in ironside and barny in Mission impossible and so on. The first Black actor to get his own show on TV was James Mcceachin but I've forgotten the name of the detective he played./ i can digress for england me. Don't even know if I'm right either I'm just only half concentrating
Sorry Lucy...but you would have to be an American to understand......we are all very proud of our roots,and we do like to let people know where we came from and what our heritage is. I am 1/2 I will always describe myself as an Italian-American.........but I am also English-Irish....and supposedly 1/8 Native American...and proud of it ALL.
I knew dot was wrong about the black with a tv show because i knew nat king cole had one .
that wasnt first tho

On November 5, 1956, "The Nat King Cole Show" debuted on NBC-TV. While commentators have often mistakenly hailed Cole as the first African-American to host a network television show, an honor belonging to jazz pianist and singer Hazel Scott in 1950 the Cole program was the first of its kind hosted by a star of Nat Cole's magnitude.

I think the term African American was given by the white majority, to define the race of people, especially during the sixties, where segregation in some areas was the norm.

Black people in Britain are now deemed as "Black Britons". It's certainly not a term I have given myself, nor have any other black people I know.
that was a music show i am talking about drama series music shows were a whole differnet thing
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The US Census Bureau uses the category "Black or African American" so it is an official description of a person's ethnicity.
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Just because something is official doesn't mean it's not ridiculous. Look at Peter Mandelson as an example.
i suppose some people need an identity to give themself pride and selfworth. but your right , if you are a citizen of a country then be proud to call yourself american or british or whatever. some scots with an italian gran
Sounds like lucy losing the arguement and now losing the plot too : 0)
y (i,ll get the hang of this yet) support italy in world competitions

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