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out of the doghouse

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daneswalk | 20:49 Thu 01st Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
now out of the doghouse so glad to be back and i am stone cold sober


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yes for how long i took her to broughty ferry today and watched all these people diving in the water they must be hardy souls
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arghh sounds chilly, I did karate on St Andrews beach at 4am and I thought that was bad
hey hey weeal..:0) jus what the hell were ya doing karate on a beach at 4 am for?? did ya beat up one of those weirdos who always seems to be walking thier dog at some ungodly!
hey gonzo, did u get the email ok??

The whole club did karate on the beach, was a test of character lesson lol
...and its kinda sore fighting on hard wet sand in the rain
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hey gonzo that could have been me ?
lol! not if yer play fightin with someone nice!
Hmmm wanna try it?
haven't had a chance to check e-mails weeal but it'll be there ok..i'll get back to ya asap angel..have just left my daughters in amsterdam and am heading back to my exile's retreat..will explain..:0)'ve no idea jus how much!
ooh how excitin, youre all over the place eh, look forward to yer tales chum
and message Max too will ye
i will! things jus been very hectic! lol it's all gone very scarlet pimpernel!
they seek you here, they seek you there, they seek you EVERYWHERE lol
lol! hopefully coming to a beach near you soon!!!!!!!
make it Ayr for Parma Violet icecream for afters lol

Apologies to daneswalk for pinching his thread smiles sweetly and hopes to be forgiven
aaahhhhh..we'll always have ayr and the parma violet ice cream my dear!
ps. didn't mean to offend daneswalk or any other dogwalkers!....but you know what they say about bodies always being found by "people out walking thier dogs" hee hee!

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