Strange really considering so many women have a fair old tache on them nowadays.
Few nights ago i saw the woman in the hairdressers waxing her tache. Looked damn sore as she dipped the big lolly stick in the wax and then pulled what looked like a hairy caterpillar off her top lip.
So why do so many women walk around looking like their eyebrows come down for a drink ?
I like stubble on amn but I once went out with someone and when he kissed me all I could taste and smell was old food stuck to his tache. Yuk. If I had a tache I would have to get rid of it. I know a woman who has a tache AND beard and she is only 40. It looks terrible.
Ethel i was waiting outside the hairdressers for someone and saw her sitting in front of the mirror doing it.
The whoile stoy was in the initial post , re read it and it will become a lot cleaarer.Speed reading a thread isnt the best thing toi do.And if youd taken your time it wouldve saved you having to ask me such a stupid question.
Do you walk around with your eyes closed?
I very much doubt it and you sound as nosey/observant as anyone else.
It is very rude to look in to a salon and watch the treatments being carried out, legend. I did read your post thoroughly - you said, and I quote:
"Few nights ago i saw the woman in the hairdressers waxing her tache. Looked damn sore as she dipped the big lolly stick in the wax and then pulled what looked like a hairy caterpillar off her top lip."
That's more than a fleeting glance.
It is rude to stand and watch these procedures through a window.
R�Thats twice youve misread it.
It wasnt a treatment as such,the woman was havin a quick free wax inbetween times whenit was quiet and made no secret of it.
You really are wound up tighter than a nuns knickers tonight.Chillout havent you got something far farmore important to do?
Thats also twice youve posted on this without even attempting to answer the question.
Got your pedantic mood again today ?
Well if it helps keep you awake then continue.
Mind you a simple answer wouldve sufficed if its not beyond your ability ?
Fortunately I haven't a tash (yet?), but if I did, I'd most certainly not be going to a beautician that does the waxing procedure in full view of people walking by!
A man with day old stubble looks gooood, but it's not so good to kiss.