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odd facts?

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gina32 | 14:19 Tue 20th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
56 Answers
does anyone know any odd facts, like you cant lick your own elbow, thanks


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i can lick mine i have a extra long tongue ! :)
You can't sneeze with your eyes open
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"stump" be bug..d it looks like the end of his penis.
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A cat has 32 muscles in each ear
Coooooooooooooooooooey chuckie, you need to answer me or I will not stop calling you.

Dont like your penis
male ferrets are called hobs

(why do i know that?????)
knobby.....I have seen pictures in magazines LOL.
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Oldham is the home of the tubular bandage.
The muzzle of a lion is like a fingerprint - no two lions have the same pattern of whiskers.

lol @ doc
doc....I know, I have often opened a bottle of wine with's a pig of a job though.
LOL at sqad.
More people are killed annually by donkeys than die in air crashes..

Hi cab waves
Donkeys???? pwahaha

Hee haw hee haw hee haw
Donkeys well they would wouldnt they he he nay nay oh thats a horse I think.
Hey chuckie you have made my day with that wave, x
Chuck.....that is so obvious....have you ever tried to board a donkey?

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