What's more Mrs C you would really love our garden as well.It has two lawns separated by two flower beds with a small grassy path going between them,and at the far end of the flower bed is a lovely weeping willow tree which has been there since we moved here many years ago.Just behind this tree is a rather wide hedge which is bl00dy terrible to trim.I can only reach so far and so I need to use very long clippers which takes blooming ages.
Anyway, on the other side of the lawn, it has a grassy path going from the corner of it to the far shed and greenhouse.
We also have another shed nearer to our bungalow.
Before you get to the start of one lawn,we have a lovely birdbath statue,which my mother adores.We see many varieties of birds having a drink and a bath.
We also have a squirrel trying to get at the birds nuts and a blooming badger digging up bits of the lawn.Been trying to find ways of deterring this pesky badger.Last time I sprinkled pepper near the hedge where he was coming in.
At least he'll have a sneezing fit and may go elsewhere.
We also had two pheasants and a fox in our garden one time.But,they didn't both arrive at the same time.Phew!!