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As a rule, do you use your back entrance...

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Bbbananas | 18:07 Tue 31st Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
... more frequently than your front entrance, or even side entrance if your house is that way inclined? Most peeps around my little cul-de-sac use their back or side, I seem to be most unusual using my front door as my main access door. I have just been accused by a work colleague as 'posh' & a bit above my rank by not using the 'tradesman's' entrance? Surely this is not a 'class thing'? Maybe it's just a keeping your main hall carpet clean thing?


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We used to park our bikes up great-aunt's back passage.
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At my house we couldn't park at the front and parking in the side street were a pain so I'd park in the back alley and go in the back. If I could find a parking space I'd use the front.

I'm at my BF's now and always use the front as he's broken the back door lock.....
I use the front door only because the back gate is locked on the inside.
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Still stalking eh Gormy?
Your work colleague, really needs to get a life. What on earth is this to do with anyone.Tell him /her to f**k off, and you carry on what you do.
Wouldn't dream of allowing tradesman up my back passage.
you really needs to get a life salla . What on earth is this to do with you.i'm telling you to f**k off, and i will carry on with what i do.
my back entrance is through the back gate so I rarely use it but I use the side and the front
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...depends on the tradesman mcmouse - I happen to know a very nice plasterer for whom I would consider giving total access to all areas ;-)

Thanks Brenda - say it as you think love! I think my colleague was only teasing.
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no-know - What? Explain?!!
Do you mean brenda's litle outburst?!
That was a friendly answer nokno, but fairly typical of you these days. Shame on you. Have you no more brain than a gibbon?
Isnt every entrance ( hole) a goal?
My back entrance has a wheelie bin blocking it... access is still possible, but it will be a tight squeeze so be gentle...
it doesn't take a genius to see where the answer came from , ................a gibbon.??????not sure really they can be real smart them there gibbons.
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I'm confused - who's the gibbon (not that hail-the-chimp moron?) and what's pegging?
Back entrance isn't accessible by anyone with a faint heart - easier to use the front
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As a rule, do you use your back entrance...

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