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Are your wobbly bits . . .

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Buenchico | 00:59 Sat 18th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
. . . too big?
. . . too small?
. . . too wobbly?
. . . too tired?


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are you drunk Bunno?
-- answer removed --
I have no wobbly bits!
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Ov corsh shnot
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Hi Chuck.

Does that mean that your potentially wobbly bits are actually non-existent or simply firm?
Hi Chris, my wobbly bits are all of the above except too small. What are you doing in CB ya daft sod?
What wobbly bits?

I agree : DRUNK!
Question Author
Oh, I wish I was drunk. I'm just finishing the second (and last - sob!) bottle of Tyskie.

Anyway, what's wrong with me posing in CB. I'm here most nights. It's Chuck's presence which is more unusual (but very welcome)
Is this for scientific research?
Question Author
Cath - My post was deliberately vague. It's up to you to decide whether it refers to your waist, your thighs or, erm, certain more intimate parts of your anatomy.

Anyway, my question still makes more sense than most of what's in CB ;-)
Lol!! Well I don't have any wobbly bits that're too wobbly Christopher - apart from what nature gave me. : )
Nothing wrong Chris, but you know what this lot are like !!!!!
Particularly when a few have been on the pop
I thought you were talking about my brain cells as they're the only wobbly bits I've got
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Grrrrr!!!!! You've done it again, Icey. You know what I mean ;-)

Anyway, my mental picture of you has all of the right bits in the right places. Slim and beautiful enough to turn any fella' wild but still cuddly enough for your kids to hug you.
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You've got brain cells?
Sorry, you're banned.
Nobody with functioning brain cells is allowed on CB after midnight. (Well, it often seems like it anyway!)
Not functioning brain cells - wobbly brain cells!!
Lol @ cathy!

Many apologies Chris!!!!!! x
Well, I'm just over 5ft. 7ins, and slim. I won't say any more about where the wobbly bits are, but they're more than adequate, and the bones still hug my children every day! : )
Chris, I'm trying not to sound patronising here, but you need to get outahere. We love your normal input btw
Chris, if that is really you, then next time your coming to your favorite village (Coggeshall) for a drink at the white heart I'll walk across the road and buy you a pint!!

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Are your wobbly bits . . .

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