I think I ought to confess to my eighteen year old that the red in his pasta and cheese the other night was where I grated my finger! I told him it was red onion - bad mother!
So you have made your son an unsuspecting cannibal? Great mothering lady! Dont blame us when he starts listening to marylyn manson and starts constructing friends out of body parts! loL!
I rarely eat chocolate but one night I got a craving. My eldest two kids were only little at the time.
I turned the house upside down but the only chocolate I could find was their advent calendars.
I managed to convince them both that there were only 17 days in December.
I bought my neighbours great grandchildren easter eggs - but I had such a stressful Easter - I sat and scoffed both eggs - then felt really sick and guilty - but I will take this secret to the grave - ha ha ha ............