Hi, check this out, Potholes.co.uk At the time I am pursuit of a claim against Network rail for a level crossing in our town It's like a roller coaster, This bloody thing has cost my �150 to repair I could have done the job myself but it was not me that caused the damage, I have taken Approx 8 pics of this crossing from all angles, at one point I was on the Railway line themselves, I pay road tax like the rest of us to travel on good surface road not a dodge the hole road, My advice to you, do As I have done take the Width + Depth Length of the holes, take as many pics as you can with a time dated Digi camera, get as many witness statements & ask them have long have they been travelling on this particular road & have they had any suspension problem with their car, but let me make a point they can ask for the wheel & get it tested to see if the holes could have damaged the wheel. The ongoing saga I have with Network although they are a BIG COMPANY, that is not the point, the point is they have had ample time from myself the sort this crossing out ( 8 Weeks as yet, nothing done) but I will still fight my corner it does not matter to me how big they are. do not take what has been said to you lying down In actual fact, that's what they want. Good Luck. T.W.R.