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Legends cooking tips for women who only use microwave ovens.

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leggysmesiah | 12:36 Thu 02nd Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
Tip 1:

Mushrooms , if you need them finely sliced then heres a wee tip ladies.

Put them in the freezer for 5 minutes before slicing to firm them up, making it easier to get an even thin slice.



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here's a better tip, don't eat mushrooms, they' re really dead slugs
I tend to use an egg slicer, fresh ones will cut fine, then they all come out same size, my nails dont get broke and I have extra time to pour my man a beer and iron his pants
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Oh dear i see one of the potnoodle / kraft cheesey pasta brigade have arrived : 0)

Tip 2:

Right then you lovely but totally useless in the kitchen beauties do you want to get the unwanted fat off the top of your soup or stew? I know i hate the sigth of it .What i do is place a couple of ice cubes in a slotted spoon and skim the top. The ice cubes attract the fat like a magnet.

If youre not sure what a slotted spoon is ladies of the microwave then you can use a slice of white bread and float it on top. It too works like a magnet to attract the grease and fat.

Your hubby/boyfriend/ latest workplace conquest will be so impresssed im sure.
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It's too warm for soups or stews.
Question Author
Glad you mentioned the egg slicer.
Of course theres a better way to use it.

Tip 3 : If your freeze strawberries ( if you followed the earlier instructions i left on jaynes thread ) or mushrooms for a few minutes before slicing and then use an egg slicer you'll have perfect slices every time.

Again those acrylic nails will be safe and youll gain kudos with the man in your life.

That is as long as he likes mushrooms and strawberries?
These are normally served seperately ladies , just incase we have any blondes reading this.
Another Mushroom tip:

If you eat wild mushrooms - gathered or bought - soak them in salty water for a few minutes... and see what comes crawling out... you'll never eat a wild 'shroom again :-)
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Warm weather?Like a nice cold cheesecake?
But dont want that sloppy puddle forming in the middle of it?

Tip 4 : Legends tip for a puddle free cheesecake .First ladies before adding the warm topping, freeze the cheesecake for an hour before. Doing this will make the warm sauce stop about 1/2 way down as it encounters the cold surface.And when served it will be puddle free and tasty too.
well thats good because he likes both.
Are you reading these tips from a magazine or book?

I would like to know what to do with cous cous please.
Can I mix it into a salad?
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Anyone like a wedge of lemon with their fish ?

Well heres a simple but effective idea.

Tip 5 :Legends handy tip to keep lemon wedges from squirting everywhere, slit each slice in three places to break down the membrane so the juice won't squirt out so forcefully.By doing this a gentle squeeze will release all the juice from each slice.
Your fish will always have that extra tangy taste.

My mushrooms are firm anyway!!!!

I hate em when they're all squigdy!!!
Question Author
Try a mediterranean cous cous salad.
Do I have to ask in Food & Drink for a recipe?
or are you going to give me one.
Oh dear... ^^^ I have just realised what I have typed there.
I'm leaving myself wide open for wisecracks now.
Are you going to "give her one" leggy?

She's "wide open"!!!!!
I don't think I should have said 'wide open' either.............

shut up Dina

I will just sneak away quietly and hope no one notices.
I think your next username should be domestic.legend leggy I'm impressed at your catering skills ;-)
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Legend will give you one if you insist.Well itd be rude not to.


2 tbsp. chicken stock
quick cooking couscous
1 lg. tomato, seeded & chopped
3 oz. feta cheese, diced
3 tbsp. aragula
3 tbsp. minced onion red
5 tbsp. olive oil
3 tbsp. fresh lemon juice
Salt & freshly ground pepper, to taste
Green olives
Toasted pine nuts if available or you can try an alternative nut to your taste.

Bring stock to boil in small pan. Mix in couscous, cover and remove from heat. Let stand 5 minutes. Fluff with fork. Turn into medium bowl. Cool to room temperature. Mix tomato, feta, aragula and green onion into couscous. Whisk together oil, lemon, salt and lots of pepper. Mix into salad. Serve over lettuce leaves. Top with olives and nuts.

Hope this has helped ???

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Legends cooking tips for women who only use microwave ovens.

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