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2010 Calendar?

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NoMercy | 12:10 Wed 25th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
So what will you have as your 2010 calendar? Jordan aka Katie Price? Thatched cottages of England?

I think I may get a calendar from the RSPCA or National Canine Defence League next year. I don't love any celebrity enough to want to look at their mug every month of the year. lol


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i had nekked farmers this year, depend what freebie i get sent i suppose
I will have a cats or flowers one like I do every year.One of my daughters usually buys it for me.
Save money and just use an old 1999 one :)
probs little Yorkies after I lost mine
Bobbi x
I've just had one given to me with policemen on it :-s

I don't do calendars, I have a diary only otherwise I'd be writing stuff on both or neither
errr, policemen or strippers :)
I normally get a calendar template on the internet and then put my own photos of me and my boyfriend, the dog and places I like on it, print a copy, laminate it and stick it up in the kitchen
husband buy me one for christmas every year, leeds united footbal club
Both probably :0)
guess I'll have to look at semi-naked firefighters again.......
i am going for the cheryl cole one. the glare from her teeth will save me putting the lights on in the kitchen and thus save money. and energy and the environment. and stop global warming. and save the maldives.

i care about these thing.
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You tightwad, Chuck. Do you hang your tea bags out on the line to dry? lol

Sine Pietate
just like craft, i like to look at a semi-naked firefighter every day.

But i wont be using a calendar :)
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It's tough, Craft, but someone's gotta do it.... ;-)
red.......the calendars dated 1996.....
eww, they'll be someones grandad by now
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Hey Bobbi - sorry, I missed your post. When did you lose your little doggie? x
lol craft, sounds like youre getting your moneys worth!

my fireman is a bit dated too :(
Ankou, Oberour ar Maro, Collector of Souls who gives a sh!t.........they're not wrinkly on my calendar........okay it's well thumbed.
I still have a sun calendar from 1989.
Sam Fox, Linda lusardi and all them beauties.

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