There is a consultation regarding changes in my department. In the new stucture my present job does not exist and I have been shown a proposed new job description which is very different from the original. Iam a .6fte with a permanent contract. Would this change in job description in effect make me redundant from my present post thus enabling me to take redundancy rather than the new job?
ithink it depends how different the new job is - in my work i think its something like 80% the same is considered no change. I am aware this answer is not all that helpful!
This sounds like you are rather hoping to be made redundant and receive a payoff?
Is your company in the process of downsizing and declaring redundancies at your location, then?
If it isn't, all that is happening is purely an administrative process.
You can't claim redundancy solely on the basis of a change of job title, I'm afraid.