This woman Pippa Danatt also calls herself Pippa Longstocking Dewhirst or Dewhirst Dannet or Pippa Dewhirst.
In case you did not see the sun this week here is an article about someone playing a horrendous scam on the mothers of soldiers who died in Afghanistan and Iraq
Pippa Danatt is involved in this up to her neck as are others. Myself and some friends and a group of the mums affected have worked day and night since we were tipped off on Saturday that his was a scam. We have masses of evidence against her. She is a very dangerous woman who claims to have been engaged to a royal marine captain for 2 years, s far in the past 8 months he hasbeen caught in a suicide bomb explosion and still had shrapnel, he got shot in the chest 7 times and had a collapsed lung just before xmas and 2 days ago he was burnt rescuing a family from burning house where several children died, he was able to wb cam her the pcs of his injuries from the front line. if you want to know more find me on facebook and you can see exactly how dangerous she is
Dee Edwards MBE
ps she is absolutely nothing to do with Sir Richard, that name makes people believe she is