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40 Years

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milliezoe | 08:29 Wed 07th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
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I will be celebrating 40 years married in August I thought of going back to the hotel in Majorca where we went on honeymoon what did you do for forty years married ?


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never been married, but just wanted to say congrats!
Didn't manage it millie - and don't suppose I ever will......!
2 x 13 years to 2x different husbands. Doubtful I will do it again.

But - well done you. Majorca sounds a lovely idea.
Congrats Millie. I managed 1 x 8yrs to a cheating gypsy lol. We never had a honeymoon though. We got a washing machine instead!
just a thought, have you checked out the hotel - make sure its still there!
40 years! You get less for murder!! I managed 13 before he buggered off. However, Majorca is an adorable island.. well done and enjoy yourselves!
Only managed 14 years of Marriage millie and that was enough ! Good for you though because I'm all for Marriage if it works.
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hi mcf have checked and its still there think I will book it
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Honeymoon? You must be joking.
Went back to the flat which we were renting in Stamford Hill, North London, packet of Kellogs, pint of milk, two bowls and two spoons and came out 48hours later, she went back to work and so did I.
Congrats Millie......that will be a nice surprise..
I got the washer too vibra - but the bugger took my Agapanthus which had took years to nurture to its full wonderful glory. What a waste of micaclegro.
So who has got the longest and shortest marriages on AB then?
Millie is doing well on 40 years :)
lol - sqad - ever the romantic. I never had a honeymoon either - back to work on the Monday - never had an engagement or wedding ring either (are those violins I hear in the background..?!)
I think Mr V has the record......60 years I believe.
Mr Veritas and his wife Elsie have just celebrated 61 years of padlock, I believe.............
I'm pretty sure there are long standing marriages out there which have never been consummated for whatever reason and I find that rather sad really.
Squad, I'm not including you in that statement as I'm sure you never even got round to finishing the Pack of Cornflakes you randy devil ! lol
Hey sqad, you honeymooned down the road from me then!

milliezoe, congrats and what a lovely idea of going back to where you honeymooned!

It will be 30 years for me this year and we are trying to find somewhere exotic for ourselves.
is it going to be a surprise then?
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Thanks for your comments just wanted to go back whilst I am still able to travel it takes a bit longer these days to get moving
funnygirl.......did you live there or honeymooned there.....not that anybody would honeymoon in Stamford Hill except the "sqads"

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