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BBC monopoly

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LeedsRhinos | 05:38 Fri 14th Jan 2005 | Film, Media & TV
8 Answers

How can the BBC justify the most unfair Monopoly in existance that is the TV licence? It doesn't matter if you want to watch BBC or not, if you own a television you must pay them. Surely this type of monopoly in this day & age can't still be legal?




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I agree. I don't know how they get away with it. I would be interested to find out actually. I used to refuse to pay it - mainly whilst I was a student! Went almost 6 years without having one. Eventually gave in and purchased one, and literally 2 days later someone came a'knockin to see if we had one! Phew!

We pay the licence fee to the Government not directly to the BBC. The licence is for having a tv receiver (or apparatus capable of receiving television signals), not for watching the BBC.

The reason the BBC gets the vast majority of the licence revenue is because originally it was government sponsored and there was no other TV broadcaster in existence.

the licence fee pays for all public television and radio in the uk as well as BBC world and the world service. Not only does it mean we can watch the box or listen to the radio without being sold something all the time, it also insures that producers can make programmes based on quality rather than just those that appeal to a key demographic.



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you say that but all tv is cr*p at the moment what ever channel you tune into. The BBC over the years has given us the massive majority of Quality comedies, documentaries, drama and soaps for years and years, not to mention the three most popular radio stations in the county.

 I agree with jim...

Compare the licence fee, with the much higher subscription that people pay to sky, and i think you'll find its good value, i had sky once, most say 90% is rubbish.

I don't watch ITV - can I get all of my food and goods cheaper by not paying my share of the advertising budget?
Can anyone who owns a TV capable of receiving BBC output honestly say that they never watch it?

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BBC monopoly

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