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'Allo 'Allo

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greenday | 15:48 Mon 24th Jan 2005 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers
This struck me the other day, and it's something I'd never thought of before. In 'Allo 'Allo the policeman is an English guy impersonating a French policeman. So why does he chose to call himself Officer Crabtree as that is an English name? Surely this would blow his cover immediately!


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Its like pantomime,do you wonder why the principle boy is always a girl and the ugly sisters are always blokes.Nobody is supposed to notice but it is obvious,that is why it is called 'Situation comedy' and its funny,the more ridiculous the funnier it is.Do you like Monty Python,The Goons and Tommy Cooper,if you do you will understand the stupidity of this situation.
i agroo wit guff, life is too impotent to be tacken to surious. regoods crabtree

I just realised you were being him markieboy.  Very good.

It's a comedy - that's what makes it funny?

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I don't know. If it is a joke, it is extremly subtle, way too subtle for that show I think. How many of you had actually noticed he had an English name, and thought that it was strange, and thought it was a joke before this question was put up?
yes it's part of the joke. surely if we're taking this seriously his dodgy french accent would have given him away long before his name. as i remember when speaking to french/ german he used to pronounce it 'cribtroy' presumably to make it sound french and therefore not give him away

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'Allo 'Allo

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