Do you eat many salads in winter? having bought all salad things to eat for tea tonight its now very wet and cold outside and it just doesnt seem right
i only really fancy a full cold salad on warm weather days, so no i dont eat salads in winter. Can you just use it as a side salad with something warm instead.
No as have bbq chicken, rice, have just made potato salad and boiled eggs, then all the salad. I'm sure it will be yummy and I will forget about the cold. Have to keep up the lunchtime salads anyway if I want to carry on with my weight loss.
4getmenot - i eat salads all year, love them-I'd have them for lunch and tea if everyone else would eat them too!
Its a beautiful hot sunny day here in the NW so we'll be eating our outside!
You all have 'something' with your salad right? Like steak n chips or something, right? Salad on its own is incredibly dull, and you're starving 10 minutes after eating it