Music0 min ago
I HATE my teacher with a passion!
12 Answers
So last year I had an english teacher who basically to tell you the truth made me feel very uncomfrotable and quite insecure like I actually dreaded English, she would pick on me all the time and it really depressed me. I know it sounds really far fetched but she made me feel so uncomfortable that I'd have the shakes when i was reading out in class (which she would pick me for all the time) and I would just feel seriously uncomfortable is the only way to describe it but it was pretty bad, she knocked my confidence way down too. So anyway this year when I found out I wouldn't have her for English I was over the moon and I love the teacher that I have now (he's made me love the subject again and I feel so much better) but he told us today that he is taking on another role within the school and we were getting my old english teacher (the EVIL one) back for a couple of periods a week. Even when he told me I just felt like crying, I know you're probably thinkign I'm taking it too far but she just seems to knock me down all the time. I'm so nervous now about english and i just don't want to do it. What should i do or is there even anything i can do? Hope you get where i'm coming from!! Thanks
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.What year are you in? Can you talk to your head of year or pastoral care manager? They can't change the timetable just to suit you, but they could suggest ways to help you cope, or if it is really so bad, I wonder if you could transfer to another form? Can friends/family help? Lots of questions, but I'm thinking of realistic ways you can cope with this...
I'm in 5th year, so it's my last year doing english (as long as i pass!). I could ask my guidance teacher but she is also an english teacher so would be even worse i think. I don't know about friends and family.. what could they do? I just feel like i've been through two years of her and i'm sick and tired of dealing with it, i was over the moon when i found out my last year of english would actually be enjoyable but i guess now it's back to the same..
Definitely talk to your head of year or head teacher; this is bullying behaviour and just because she is in a position of authority doesn't mean she should get away with it! I had a maths teacher like this and she made me lose any little confidence in maths and even now (I'm in my final year of a teaching degree) in maths lessons I get very upset if I feel I can't do the maths given to me.
I feel you must discuss this with your Guidance teacher, never mind that she is on the English team. My daughter had a similar situation, though in her case it was a fifty fifty personality clash, we arranged a discussion between her and the teacher and they ended up shaking hands and agreeing to keep things on an even keel.
I think you should tell your parents how you are feeling. They will not want you to be as upset as this over something as important as your education.
Then go to your guidance teacher. It doesn't matter whether she's an English teacher or not. It's her job to be your guidance teacher. Ask if you can transfer to another teacher, explaining that you really do not hit it off with this lady. Presumably you have had better marks from the new man ? That would provide evidence. If you get nowhere with your guidance teacher, get your parents to speak to her or whoever is next in line above her to ask for a transfer.
Unless you go to a very small school, I do not see why they should not accommodate you. Be firm but not abusive . It's your future you're talking about.
Good luck.
Then go to your guidance teacher. It doesn't matter whether she's an English teacher or not. It's her job to be your guidance teacher. Ask if you can transfer to another teacher, explaining that you really do not hit it off with this lady. Presumably you have had better marks from the new man ? That would provide evidence. If you get nowhere with your guidance teacher, get your parents to speak to her or whoever is next in line above her to ask for a transfer.
Unless you go to a very small school, I do not see why they should not accommodate you. Be firm but not abusive . It's your future you're talking about.
Good luck.
Start with your head of year or whoever looks after pastoral and behaviour issues for your year. Talk in confidence. I think the only workable result is for you to move teaching set. This might involve you being put in with less able students. But you can't have it both ways.
I'm intrigued that you describe yourself as in the 5th year rather than in Year 11 - it's 20 years since the description changed. Call me a tad suspicious, but are you really a student or are you making up a story?
I'm intrigued that you describe yourself as in the 5th year rather than in Year 11 - it's 20 years since the description changed. Call me a tad suspicious, but are you really a student or are you making up a story?
No I really am in my 5th year.. I'm 15, most definitely not making this up!!
I feel like I'm making a big fuss out of nothing though, I have already had a muck-up with my timetable (I wasn't allowed to take a subject even though I got the grades for it) anyway and had to go to guidance about that and even my parents had to come in to sort that out. I'd feel like I should just get on with it, it's my last year of English at school and guidance have bigger things to deal about than someone like me who doesn;t like their teacher.. deal with it is what I think they'd say! Agggh I don't know, I guess I will just see how it goes and if she still picks on me etc etc then I will go and tell them
I feel like I'm making a big fuss out of nothing though, I have already had a muck-up with my timetable (I wasn't allowed to take a subject even though I got the grades for it) anyway and had to go to guidance about that and even my parents had to come in to sort that out. I'd feel like I should just get on with it, it's my last year of English at school and guidance have bigger things to deal about than someone like me who doesn;t like their teacher.. deal with it is what I think they'd say! Agggh I don't know, I guess I will just see how it goes and if she still picks on me etc etc then I will go and tell them
I don't think you're making a fuss about nothing and neither does anyone else who has answered you.
It is very difficult to learn if you are permanently uncomfortable and anxious.
Your teachers first priority is to help you to learn. They certainly should not take the attitude that 'they have bigger things to deal with' and if you were my daughter and got that response, the teachers would know all about it.
Get your parents involved. See your guidance teacher. Get yourself moved or at least flag it up that you are not happy with the new arrangement.
Has it ever occurred to you that this particular teacher may be upsetting other people in other years too ? Perhaps the guidance teachers will be a lot more sympathetic than you think.
Don't just 'put up with it'...why should you ? Teachers are paid handsomely to teach effectively and that does not include humiliating pupils or making them so anxious that they cannot learn.
It is very difficult to learn if you are permanently uncomfortable and anxious.
Your teachers first priority is to help you to learn. They certainly should not take the attitude that 'they have bigger things to deal with' and if you were my daughter and got that response, the teachers would know all about it.
Get your parents involved. See your guidance teacher. Get yourself moved or at least flag it up that you are not happy with the new arrangement.
Has it ever occurred to you that this particular teacher may be upsetting other people in other years too ? Perhaps the guidance teachers will be a lot more sympathetic than you think.
Don't just 'put up with it'...why should you ? Teachers are paid handsomely to teach effectively and that does not include humiliating pupils or making them so anxious that they cannot learn.
I have been through exactly this when I was 13, that is now 21 years ago! I can remember it so clearly and I only told my parents but nothing was done. I think they thought I was overreacting (I did and still do have a tendancy to lol) It was in maths for me, I never understood the subject really and was very shy so certainly never put my hand up to answer. She knew this and would pick me out of the whole class to answer something I couldn't. I would sit there in silence going redder and redder, she would glare at me and the whole class would stare. It was awful and I actually sat there crying once but didn't have the confidence to do anything about it. God typing this is bringing it all back! Looking back now I think she was an absolute cow who obviously had issues herself and clearly got a kick out of humiliating me. Like others have said, you don't have to take this. I would give it a chance first though before saying anything, she might have changed if you're lucky. If she does get up to her old tricks again then definitely speak to one of your favourite teachers about it and ask him/her for advice. Good luck and I hope it all works out for you.