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facelift ?

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anneasquith | 21:53 Wed 15th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
open to males and females. if a friend offered to pay for a facelift for you for xmas would you be insulted or delighted ?


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Depends on the friend. With certain people I would think they were just trying to do something nice for me but there are others where I know it would be a dig at me.
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a good friend karen,
Have you implied that you would like one. If you have been passing out hints this is what you want for Christmas then you should be pleased, but otherwise might be a bit different.
In that case I'd be pleased, but I don't know if I'd want to go through surgery....
I'd think they had more money than sense
Neither, but I would decline the offer. I believe that cosmetic surgery should be reserved for serious disfigurement. Anyway, my friend would not dare ;o)
As Starbuckone says if I had intimated dissatisfaction with my face, then delighted but would refuse gracefully.
I'd be slightly insulted... then i'd ask if they'd pay for me to have a boob job instead :)
If I had repeatedly mentioned issues with my appearance I would see it as a kind gesture, if I was perfectly happy and this 'gift' had come as a surprise, I would feel a bit peeved..
I'd smile....and tell them to give me the money instead.

Anyway-any good friend of mine would know already that I would never be interested.
and steal Cher's thunder - yes please

Anyone should be insulted. Each and every one of us is more than good enough the way we are.
I just thank god for failing eyesight...I look OK when I'm not wearing my glasses
I'd be puzzled.............
I wouldn't have one if it were offered, but it really depends who was offering. If it were a kind gesture, I'd say no but with thanks - if it were a sarcastic dig, they'd get a poke in the eye.
I am terrified of the knife and consider operations should only be done when necessary, so I would regretfully decline.
Appalled. Tell him/her to give the money to a charity which would help the facially disfigured. I can live with me the way I am. Only look in the mirror when I brush my hair.
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daisy, this was a hypothetical question,my solution is ban mirrors altogether.

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facelift ?

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