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Allo Allo

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flipnflap | 21:46 Sat 22nd Jan 2011 | Film, Media & TV
8 Answers
BBCTV's Allo Allo programme tonight was based on the premise that Rene was writing his memoirs, thus allowing Gorden Kaye to have a script permanently in front of him. He appeared to be staring at that script a lot, and maybe it was really there because he couldn't learn his lines. What did you think?


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give him some credit as he had that appalling accident with a blockof wood coming through his car windscreen
probably, he has suffered such alot and I admire his guts after such a tragedy, plus I thoroughly enjoyed the way they looked back at the original, which I never liked when it was current.
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DTcrossword, Kaye did several series of Allo Allo and the stage version following his accident, so this was far from his first vehicle since
probably ok for a few years, but the can be problems down the line and he is getting on
there can be....
Does it really matter it didn't spoil the show for me.

What I couldn't understand was the fact that none of the 'Germans' appeared among the others at the end of the show.
I didn't realise the BBC still aired this rubbish.
Dont know but the IMDB is the best place for this and any other tv, film, drama, play, comedy or whatever question. One of the webs best sites and someone is sure to know the real answer to this. Internet Movie Data Base, now who was that actress in

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Allo Allo

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