I wish I'd been in the same checkout queue! I was in Waitrose a couple of months ago and had finished my shopping, and was waiting for my OH to get the car as it was raining quite hard, and this Waitrose has a lobby where you can get scanners and there are toilets there; there were about 6 of us there. One was a man who had an absolutely sweet little dog with him, some sort of spaniel cross I think. Anyway this woman came out of W'rose, saw the dog and exclaimed very loudly "Oh isn't it lovely, what a darling animal! What is it, you simply must tell me!" and the man, with an absolutely straight face said "A dog!!" well, you probably had to be there to appreciate it fully, but all of us who had heard this where in absolute fits of laughter, and I had to say the poor woman looked really embarrassed! It actually turned out to be a rescue dog, so breed was unknown. Anyway it gave me a laugh for the day!