I still, after many years find the film quite unsettling and disturbing in parts, but the real fear seems to be of the curse around the film and the book......the link i've put on provides just some of the odd things that the film has attached to it........so maybe this is what drives the fear......
As Um says Pinkilady, I am, but I don't suppose you knew that...smile...and I never got to see the film when I could see...I'd get in the flicks and then as the film started, up would jump all these protestors and make such a din I just walked out!...again and again.
Agreed, dotty....but for a film made in 1973, when this was almost unheard of in it's day, it still packs a pretty hard punch. even though i would also agree that due to fashion constraints and some of the filming technique's it does look a bit dated now, but hey, so does flicks like 'Bullitt' and 'The French Connection', but does'nt make them still being great movies.