I need to speak to my neighbour tomorrow about her little feckface of a son. Part of what I need to speak to her about is his choice language and use of it to my son. Therefore, not probably the best idea to swear. Anyone got any good descriptive language that stops short of swearing?
It's quite hard Bobbi when all this happened during an hour and a half at Cubs and he called my son B word several times a F C, and various other things and also told my son his dad was a B word too. My son didn't retaliate but was in tears to me afterwards.
cupid - that's what I would do....well that and give him a sore behind. What is actually likely to happen is either a: nothing or b: his mum will give him lines........I mean lines for Christsake!!! That's the usual punishment I believe.
yes cupid - they actually witnessed it and sat the boy out at the side - one of the leaders words was that feckface was "goading" my son trying to provoke a reaction. I am proud that he managed not to retaliate as he is a bit hot tempered (like me!) - on the pother hand, a fat lip might not have done him any harm :o)
bobbi - he has been really subdued - I told him that Feckface is just jealous because my son is smarter, nicer, better looking and has two parents who love him to bits and that he is a boy to be proud of. That he will amount to a good man when he grows up and that feckface will probably be in Borstal. Might have overdid it cos now my boy feels sorry for him!
arhh but this was obviously the truth you told him annie, he sounds a fine young lad, I hope there will be no repercussions or bullying from Feckface will they ?
How about going in for the killer moral high ground and opening with something like 'I'm concerned about where YOUR son might have picked up some very bad language from....' and then tell her what he said and did and end with 'of course, you'll obviously be wanting to attend to that straight away but I thought you should know, I think he wanted a reaction from my son which thankfully he never got'... Then turn on your heel and flounce your petticoats ala scarlett o'hara.
Ah, but CD - I have heard parents standing talking about their kids and saying things like 'he's always fukcing swearing, I don't know where the fukc he gets it', and being deadly serious!