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safety school

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kjc0123 | 08:41 Tue 05th Apr 2005 | Phrases & Sayings
2 Answers

What is the meaning of "safety school" in the following sentences?

"Your English is superb."
"Thank you. I studied at the Royal Holloway."
"So then, that explains it. Perhaps Robert told you I schooled just down the road at Oxford. Of course, I also applied to Harvard as my safety school."



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"Safety School" is not a term I've heard of before so I assume it's an Americanism (could be wrong mind) I've had a look and it refers to a school you have applied to join and are almost certain to get in if other schools don't want you.

Harvard is a famous American school and you have to be very clever to get in so the character you quote is saying he or she is so clever or educated that Harvard would not say no to an application.

Yes, like a back-up plan, I imagine. If Oxford University refused him, then he has Harvard to fall back on.

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