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I want to see more joined up writing

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pizza | 14:41 Fri 17th Feb 2012 | Phrases & Sayings
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We have a manager at work who these last few days has used the saying we need more joined up writing, she means this in relation to us all getting on doing our work no niggles etc .
None of us at work have heard this before, it's like she's just read it in a book and has to use it daily, and to be honest if I hear it one more time I feel like screaming.
Has anyone here heard this saying ??


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Tell her that you've decided to think outside the box and that you need to get all your ducks in a row because you're not all singing from the same hymn-sheet.

What you could do is drop "imagineering" casually into the conversation and see if she picks up on it... ;-)
15:01 Fri 17th Feb 2012
nope. never heard it before.
i've heard of crossing the ts and dotting the is, but not joining them up!
Yes, but not in this context, and probably not since primary school!
Yes - I always thought it meant "better ideas put into practice".
Probably means that the work should flow more smoothly. It might help you all if she used more joined up speaking.
There is a phrase joined up thinking, so I think your manager has got in a bit of a muddle. Write out a handwritten page and ask her if that is what she means. When she looks at it and starts to explain what it means, say Oh you mean joined up thinking........
Joined-up writing is what children call cursive script: When did it come to mean something else...?
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Thanks all and to be honest she is making us all feel like we are at school !
Have done the job for nearly 15 years and definitely time to move on, in fact I am just waiting for a start date for a new job.
When managers started to think they had to talk in "cool" management speak rather than just using plain English.
Good for you! Why not print out this thread and give it to her on your last day...? :-)
No. Have heard 'joined up thinking', which is a stranger image than 'joined up writing'. Your manager must have read her phrase in a book, almost certainly American.
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She's cool ChuckFiickens, in her attitude to her staff, not a happy environment at the moment.
Apart from mixing up the phraseology, your manager is at least a couple of years behind.

The current management-speak is all about 'being lean', in waves, apparently.

It's Japanese/American of course, and complete twaddle.
'Lean' as in 'lean, mean machine'?
At this moment in time there may be a case for "joined up thinking". It may be a steep learning curve, but a progression to "blue sky thinking" may be needed.
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I reckon she's speaking double dutch lol
MarkRae a guy on my own wavelength and I wonder if she wants my notice in joined up writing ??
Tell her that you've decided to think outside the box and that you need to get all your ducks in a row because you're not all singing from the same hymn-sheet.

What you could do is drop "imagineering" casually into the conversation and see if she picks up on it... ;-)
i wish you could hear our versions of management speak.
I bet she uses "leverage" as a verb too...
If she doesn't now, she will going forward
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I love the n/h where I work but her attitude to staff is so bad.
I recently did a team leader course and this included study about x and y managers and she is by far an x type.

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