As a species, we are very poor at comprehending the very very small and the very very big - At a visceral level, trying to comprehend the sheer vastness of the universe, or the some of the more counter -intuitive elements of quantum theory seems impossible.
Does not mean that, as a species, we cannot at least be aware that such vastness exists, or that sub atomic particles behave weirdly. And, our rather amazing species has invented mathematics to allow us to create working models and consequential predictable events that can be observed and measured.
So, your assertion is false, Khandro - or at least irrelevant. I would contend that it is highly likely that there are things that we cannot comprehend viscerally at a personal, individual level - but that does not matter, since we can, through science, and philosophy and mathematics nake use of the knowledge. We have some truly amazing abilities, as a species :).