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Feng Shui & Tree Hugging etc?

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Theland | 19:55 Sat 22nd Sep 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
20 Answers
I have been somewhat entertained by the T.V. programme, "Housebusters," where families get a cure from their sick homes from Feng Shui, psychics, healers, etc etc.
Do you, particularly atheists, consider these things of any value, even if only to rid the house of junk and clutter?


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anything that makes you feel more comfortable/organised/relaxed etc works on many levels!

cath x
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Fosters lager included? And my rolling tobacco?
on many levels ...
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Cheers Cath.
I don't think Feng Shui Has anything to do with 'God or Religion' isn't it jut a way to design things so they fit in to the natural world ?
Feng Shui is a Japanese art form, where things are meant to blend and flow, eg if your sink is in line with a door it means money will flow out easily, or some such philosophy. Nothing psychic about it. Tree huggers like to think they are at one with nature, unless they hug the wrong tree being felled at the time. :)
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If they 'work' then they have value.
So I'm told. My bro has a mean spirited one overhanging the end of his garden it spits sticky goo all over his gooseberries and rhubarb.
The effectiveness of a placebo affect on the mind is often underestimated and can actually be of assistance in healing physical damage. There is scientific evidence that even the paint colour of a room can change the mood of a person.

It is no different than the feeling of contend by the few genuine religious worshippers of imaginary idols when they are at peace with their deity.
If you believe in these things enough then you will possibly get a placebo effect, but I wouldnt except any paranormal results are possible.
//Do you, particularly atheists, consider these things of any value, even if only to rid the house of junk and clutter? //

I like a clean and tidy house, but Mr Sheen, the vacuum cleaner, and a bit of elbow grease does it for me.
Feng Shui is a load of rubbish, even many of the Chinese (who invented it) think that.
No it's not. With Feng Shui you're supposed to move the rubbish.
Feng shui started of as a set of guidelines for house builders and contained some sensible rules. It has evolved and gathered many fanciful and unsubstantiated notions in the same way that religions do. The others are treating the occupants possibly, not the house.
// if your sink is in line with a door it means money will flow out easily //

That must be why I'm broke all the time. That and my massive cocaine habit.

Decluttering is always good though.
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Let's just go down your list there...

Hmmm: frauds, frauds, frauds.

Nope, not interested.

The thing about feng shui, for example, is that it's either entirely obviously bogus or testicularly-achingly obvious stuff like "make sure you can get to the door without having to navigate loads of obstacles". My brother briefly worked for a feng shui magazine and confirmed stories were simply made up, normally on the basis of whomever finished the previous job the quickest.

I can't see why common sense advice becomes of greater value if dressed as cosmic mysticism.
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A magazine for Feng Shui? I bet all the pages were numbered 1234567 etc etc. Typical mysticism. A front cover and a back cover embracing the pages within. Hmm.
I wonder if this theme could make me a few bob to supplement my pension?
Long time Waldo. Nice one.

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Feng Shui & Tree Hugging etc?

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