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Funny Sayings.

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Georgiesmum | 10:14 Sun 06th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
Do you have any funny sayings or made up words that your family use?


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I'm sure there are a few but "doofer" springs to mind for the TV remote control.
I used to work in an open plan office and the boss could see us from behind a glass partition. A colleague used to be a chatterbox, and if the boss was watching her manager used to say 'keep your head down Doris' and this has stuck but I also use it if I have reach over someone or pass something over someone's head.
Well, I'll go to the foot of the stairs "Lancashire saying"
Hi Georgiesmum, how about ' gobbling rods ' for cutlery ?
Cow juice...milk ? and my favourite sheet street off to bed !
We call the money we put away every month towards Christmas, our 'diddlum'!
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Our pants we call binackies! Bin-ack-ees. Ive no idea why or how it started! lol
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flump 1, we call milk cow juice too. Cutlery we usually call "eating irons!"
my gran used to say..I don't boil my cabbages twice, meaning she would not repeat herself, she was from oop north.
Cutlery is diggers, from my Army days, as is dobie dust(washing powder).

What does surprise me is how some sayings seem to be disappearing. I've used two in work recently and no one under the age of 30 had any idea what I meant.

They were Shank's Pony and Adam's Ale.
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When i was a child my mum had a friend who called any sort of breakfast cereal "pobs"
Our grill pan handle is called a 'Dave' by the whole family since one of the children made the mistake of asking my oh what it was called.
we had family words - often arising from a child's mispronunciation, but our parents continued to use them (and we still do, sometimes)

Binker - bacon
Ditch - jet plane
applemeat - grapes

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Nice one Daffy 654. This really made me laugh.
My mother would frequently say glatt. It meant "gosh look at the time."
I often find myself searching for the oojarflungeitwotsit!
When she hears funny or unusual name and my mum says "what a name to go to bed with"!
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Yes, my mum used to say that too Polly1958., and if something was really annoying she would say "Its enough to make a monkey bite his mum"
My kids always called Old Spice - Old Mice. Don't know what the pharmacist thought because they insisted on that name.
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I had a school teacher (in the 1950's) who when looking at pupils work was often say"Goodness gracious galloping grasshoppers" and "Coo chase me round the cherry tree!" LOL.
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Ooh, i like that one Starbuckone!

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